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Every person dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur can do so having a clearcut roadmap from idea stage towards success.


Help individuals improve their financial status in life, and assist Solopreneurs and small businesses to find their voice, turn up the volume, solve problems and showcase their product or services to the right audience.


KE2SUCCESS is the brainchild of one woman invested to help her community at large by serving people to be come better versions of themselves, uplift and change their lives, and the lives of those around them.  

Dubbed "The Entrepreneur's Advocate" Karen has identified the focal areas that can assist individuals to improve their life conditions.

"Success is an individual manifestation of what your mind, heart and effort define."

-Karen Eason



While you do not need to be a Christian, Karen is, and she knows that you have to have faith. Because when the times get tough - and they will- you need have a belief outside of yourself and man.



Encourage a mindset for personal and business growth removing the limiting beliefs stopping you from attaining your goals. .



you to realize your dream of business ownership and independence from the corporate environment. .



  • Entrepreneur Start-up & Business Organization - Get started right! 

  • Business Coaching & Consulting -  Strategize, improve & grow. 

  • Personal Development - Goal setting, coaching and mentoring.

All by focusing on my 3 "E"s Principles.


Educate! Strategies & Principles.

Elevate! Your Mindset and Business.

Eviscerate! What's holding you back.

5 Levels of 


What Level Are You?

These days there are so many entrepreneur terms flying around and used interchangeably.  Can I be honest with you? There really is a distinction between all of these terms and I can understand why many people become confused.  Let’s take a look and discover what I consider, The 5 Levels of Entrepreneurship.


Nano-Preneur – Not on anyone’s radar, not on the map. They are nursing just the thought of what can be possible for them.  Ready to be seen, heard and acknowledged for your talents and expertise.  Doesn’t know what they don’t know.  Drive, determination and mindset is key.  If you think you can and believe it, you will succeed.

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Micro-Preneur- Learning what you don’t know in business.  Information and research and clarity is key! As you learn you begin working to put the missing pieces of the success puzzle into place.  You’re not shouting out that you’re here yet, but you are finding your voice.

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Solo-Preneur – You’re up and running, and systematizing your business basics and implementing your business goals.  Successful execution is your key to growth.  You need more hands helping but can’t yet hire full time employees.  It’s time to outsource and recruit your weakness! You’re shouting out “watch out world here I come!”

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Start-up – They have moved beyond the Solo stage and are ready to begin hiring employees.  They require more space to operate and look for office space to house their operations.  They are profitable, and seeing the fruits of their efforts and are growing, yet still ironing out challenges.

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Small Business Owner

Small Business Owner – Has all of their systems in place, solid business structure and making a profit, and has worked on perfecting their product and service.  They are in go and grow mode and are adding multiple revenue streams and replicating their success. They have passed the initial pitfalls of Entrepreneurship and are headed towards maintaining longevity. From here, they may remain a SBO or grow into a larger business.

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