Side Hustle Made Simple!
You want a relationship, not a one and done service.
With 15 years of Business Consulting experience in a breadth of industries and 25 years of Business, Managerial and Operations experience, I help new Womenpreneurs like YOU move past the confusion, frustration and stress entrepreneurship can bring and gain clarity and focus to grow a profitable business while building a thriving lifestyle!
Finding the right kind of help and support is critical to your success. You need someone who understands business (and you), that can help you move past the hidden pitfalls (and some self-inflicted ones too). I won’t just tell you what to do; I’ll show you how and explain why. If you want this level of service...
I’m right here, to help you, do it with you and in some cases - even do it for you. You won't go it alone… I got you, and together we'll get it done.
Coaching will be specific to your business questions and challenges.
There’s no cookie cutter approach being used here. This is designed for YOU to move the needle toward your business aspirations within the 8 week period.
When: 8 weeks begins February 1 - March 31, 2018
Package includes:
KEY To SUCCESS VIP Foundation Session – teleconference (30 minutes)
Bi-weekly KEY Calls – 60 mins (4) Virtual Sessions to create specific strategies that will accelerate your entrepreneurial success!
Recorded Sessions delivered to your inbox or Dropbox
Action Plan covering:
Marketing 101,
Business Tools & Systems
Strategic Focus
Product Creation
60 days of E-mail Support During Coaching Sessions
Access to the private Facebook Group & Slack channel for dedicated support:questions, tips, live trainings, etc…
Next Steps Wrap Up Call (30 mins)
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results” -Rita Mae Brown
Invest in changing your world, start living on your own terms, today.
Here’s a partial list of support topics/strategies and action items that may be discussed during your coaching sessions. Please note, not all topics will be discussed or apply, based on your specific business needs. This is not a cookie cutter approach. You are receiving custom strategy and support to meet your desired business goals.
Legal Structure Discussion/Selection
Gift & Purpose Consultation
Mindset shift & Define success
Vision & Mission Statements
Business Startup checklist
Business tools and systems
VIP access to Live Event with paid general admission
Goal setting
Technology review
Accounting system planning
Marketing Keys
Finding Customers/Clients - ICA
Website Review
Lead Page / Building Your List
Social Media 101
Goal Achievement Accountability
Locating proper resources
Accounting & Taxation considerations
Advanced Goal Setting techniques Proprietary SMARTER system
Networking & Lead generation
Customer /Client Relationship building
Time Management Systems
CRM systems
Building your team
… and more!
How do the virtual coaching sessions work?
Your actual session is NOT a call; it’s video conferencing so we’ll be able to see, hear one another and collaborate as you would in-person without the expense of flying to me or investing in me flying to you.
Because I’m known to travel often, it also ensures that no matter where I am in the country/world, you can get your burning questions answered and still make the progress you need.
How long does is the Key Player Period?
The package will typically launch and be completed within 8 weeks based on both of our schedules. Each session is 60 minutes and is designed to leave you with specific tasks that you can have completed within the 2 week period in between sessions. We both will need to adjust our full schedules to make coaching a priority for you.
Each successive round of the Key Player’s Club runs along 90 day cycles to coincide with business quarters during the year and requires additional investment. There is the opportunity for you to secure your spot for a 12 month period. (For returning clients only)